Quick Background – I recently went for a medical check up. Things were generally ok but not brilliant. Doc said it’ll be brilliant if I dropped 10kg. I spoke to a friend to do the same to motivate each other. JNLT said 10kg seems too much. We compromised at 7kg in 6 months. I asked around and a number of people responded. Some seemed serious by giving me their starting weights, while others may have just been too busy to weigh themselves. See the chart below.

Tomorrow is the last day to join the challenge.

I’m giving away a 2 X S$50 Giordano or Uniqlo voucher to the winner/s to buy something new to fit their new frame. If I win, I keep my dosh.

How do I judge the winner?

Both the first person to lose

7kg AND maintain it at 25 March 2010


The person who loses the most weight on 25 March 2010.

I trust you all.

Rules are very simple. You email/message/sms me your weight every Friday morning.  I tabulate and blog it weekly.

If anyone else wants to join in, tomorrow is the last day.

Game on.

Starting Weights

Starting Weights